**Most staff are at SPEEDWEEK untill 10th March, despatch may be delayed**

0407 438 824

Trick Tools

3 of 3 Items
  • Tacking Band Clamp

    Tacking Band Clamps

    Tacking Band Clamps are the perfect helping hand for welding and fabrication of intercooler piping, exhaust headers and turbo manifolds. These bands securely clamp your tube and bends and after alignment is confirmed perfectly then you can easily apply...

  • Pie Cut Cutting Fixture 76mm 15° Pie Cut Fixture Jig - CLR Close Up Pie Cut Fixture Jig - Dowel Pins Pie Cut Fixture Jig - In Band Saw

    Pie Cut Fixture Jigs for Bandsaw

    Exhaust Pie Cut Jigs for Bandsaw These jigs are a must for cutting your own pie cuts. Makes cutting accurate pie cuts a breeze, simply clamp and cut with your bandsaw. Sizes 38.1mm (1.5 inch), 44.5mm (1.75 inch), 50.8mm (2.0 inch), 63.5mm (2.5 inch), 76...

    $66.00 - $148.00
  • Teardrop Exhaust Tip - cutting with bandsaw Teardrop Exhaust Tip - CAD Teardrop Exhaust Tip

    Teardrop Exhaust Tip - Cutting Fixture

    Teardrop Exhaust Tip cutting Fixture These jigs are a must for cutting your own teardrop exhaust tips. Makes cutting tear drop shapes a breeze, simply clamp and cut with your bandsaw. Precision 6mm dowel pins included. * MADE TO ORDER - PLEASE ALLOW 3-7...

    $66.00 - $144.00
3 of 3 Items